elderly doing exercise

At Somi Care, we collaborate with your health plan to provide you with a complimentary service designed to enhance your health and overall well-being. We offer the convenience of scheduling a visit from one of our nurses or nurse practitioners to conduct a thorough in-home physical assessment, ensuring the creation of a comprehensive and precise medical record. During this visit, we will review your health history and work with you to identify opportunities for improving your health and reducing potential risks. Our assessment may uncover issues such as medication risks, dietary concerns, fall risks, or even environmental hazards like a malfunctioning air conditioner.

By meeting you in your home, we can dedicate as much time as necessary to gain a thorough understanding of your individual health requirements. Following our visit, we will provide you with a written summary of our discussion, including recommendations for enhancing your health and safety. Many of our suggestions involve simple changes such as adjusting medications, improving your diet, or implementing home modifications to minimize the risk of falls. We share our findings with your health plan and your doctor to ensure you receive the continuous care and assistance you require. Additionally, we identify plan benefits or community services that may be available to you. Depending on the specifics of your plan benefits, our care team may remain involved for a brief period or on an ongoing basis, offering additional support as you work toward improving your health and safety.

Our primary goal is to assist you. Every member of our care team is extensively trained and deeply committed to providing personalized care.